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Initial Consultation and Session

When we first meet, we are going to complete a Health Intake Form to collect some basic health information about you and your health status.  I'm interested in how you manage your health, what medications you take and what you are hoping to acheive through our Reflexology sessions.  Since this adds a bit more time, please allow for 70-90 minutes for the Initial Consultation and Session.


Follow-up Sessions

These should be scheduled at a time interval that is appropriate for you.   These commonly occur anywhere from 4 to 21 days following your initial visit.  We have found in the past that the closer your sessions are in the beginning, the quicker we see results.  In order for the body to respond fully, 8 -10 sessions is recommended.


Maintenance Sessions

At this point, we can schedule maintenance sessions according to your timeframe so that you can continue to feel this good!

Expecting Something Wonderful?

For the expectant mom...allow yourself to be pampered and relaxed.  Sometimes all you need is an hour to put your feet up.  But why not have the benefit of soothing hands work your feet to help you with those aches and swollen ankles? 


While I attended the International Council of Reflexologists Conference in England, one of our presenters from New York spoke about her self-developed painless childbirth method.  While Reflexology shouldn't be performed in your first trimester, it has been employed after that with success in edema reduction and increased relaxation.

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